Saturday, August 13, 2011


Today's the day that we head out for 2 weeks on the road!  For anyone following I wanted to give you a heads up that I don't know when/where I'll have internet so my posts may be sporadic and few and far between!
That being said, let's talk about today!  The Reba concert was awesome, got home pretty late, slept in later than normal but then I GOT UP AND TOOK MY WALK!  My cousin told me that she wanted to leave early this morning but I told her I had to walk first! :)  Now if only I could be that bossy with myself when it comes to getting up and doing my resistance training.......
A lot of people out this morning which is really nice to see!  Just gives it a greater sense of community around here.
I added some distance to my walk this morning.  Found a route where I could take a different loop and make it longer.  Still took me the same amount of time though which means I'm getting faster!  I'm not real strict on timing myself.  I prefer to just find the pace that I can keep steady.  I can tell however that my pace is getting faster! :)
Sorry no pictures today ~ gotta finish packing and loading up the camper!!
To insure good health; eat lightly, breathe deeply, live moderately, cultivate cheerfulness, and mantain an interest in life
-William Londen
It's health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver - Mohandan Gandhi

Friday, August 12, 2011


Confession time...I didn't do my workout this morning :(  I was supposed to do my resistance training today.  I was up late packing for vacation, my mind was super busy so I didn't sleep well.....excuses, excuses, excuses!
That shouldn't have stopped me but it did.  And I'll be going non-stop for the rest of the day and literally won't have 10 minutes to fit it in.  I know I'm not perfect and I knew this journey would not be perfect.  But that being said I'm still not happy with myself!  Everyday that I don't step up to my own plan is a day that sets me back and puts off my goal that much more.
But enough about my pity party!!  Tonight I'm going to see REBA McENTIRE!!
Then tomorrow as soon as we're ready my cousin and I are heading out on a 2-week road trip!  We are beyond excited!  We don't really have definate plans, just a loose route mapped out ~ we're gonna just go where the road takes us!!
We have plans to keep active on this trip so even though it won't be structured I know I'll be moving! :)
Can't wait to come back and share all sorts of stories!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

The joys of walking walking walking...

Today's walk was amazing!  Ok, so maybe not the actual walk but my attitude :)  And I'm so glad that I started my day out this way because it gave me the right attitude for dealing with what followed....being literally run of the road on the way to work, one very cranky co-worker, electronic malfunctions.... but all that's a whole other story!
I woke up twice in the night ready to go.  Silly me though - it was only 2:30 & 4:30! :)  But at 5 I was up and ready to go.  (I'll still admit to having that tiny struggle getting from prone to standing!)  It was barely light when I started out and a very cold wind was blowing.  It's a weird feeling having the wind bite your face while you're sweating!
Here's my mini hike!!  Haha!  Not really, just a small detour from the paved path.  I finally took it this morning.  There's bench at the top to sit and watch the golfers but I just kept on moving.  Plus there weren't any golfers out quite that early! :)
I'm glad no one was close enough to see my face this morning.  As I was pushing up the hills I was just visualizing the day I'll be running up those hills and I'm sure I had quite the goofy smile on my face!  I've never worked so hard for anything before.  I'd given up long before this.  That's why it's so so important to set specific goals and lay out the steps that will help you reach them!  If I didn't have this goal of running I certainly wouldn't have any motivation to get out of bed.  Yes I want to lose weight.  Yes I want to be healthy.  But those are so vague and they don't give you any direction!  I know that one day I will run ~ but ONLY IF I'm willing to go through these different steps that I've laid out for myself.  That's what gets me out of bed!
Someone posted the following on a friend's wall on Facebook:
    "People always ask me what I did to get back into shape but once they hear what's
    required they come up with a ton of reasons why they can't do it. Still at the
    same time they say they want to be fit or healthy. I guess they want it like I
    want a pony. Sure it be fun to have but there is all that feeding, brushing,
    cleaning up after it. Who has the time! Not to mention the expense! I guess at the
    end of the day I really don't want a pony …"
That's what it used to be like for me.  I'd say I wanted it but obviously not really since I didn't do what was required to have it.  Now I'm working for it!  Some days are harder than others and I think it'd just be easier to stay in bed.  Then I think about how bad I want to run and that it's not going to come easy - but it will come if I do the work!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


So today instead of my regular 10-Minute Trainer resistance training I did the 10-Minute Abs.  I got a good workout - I was definately feeling it - but an honest review would be that this workout is not geared towards beginners who don't have much core strength.
I used it because I know I don't have much core strength and wanted to work on that.  But in order to do even the modified versions it took more that I had.  I have no doubt I can work up to them but it just felt awkward trying to do modified versions of the modified version!
I'm not giving up on it after just one test run.  I'll definately do it again but probably after adding some other ab moves to my regular routine until I have the basic strength it takes to do the modified version at a minimum.
I leave on Saturday for my 2 week vacation and I'm getting nervous about my lack of structured routine.  My cousin has agreed to my emphatic decree that we be active on this trip but I know for myself I do so much better with structure!  And spending 4,000 miles in my truck will surely be a test for me!  I'm a travel snacker with the bad habit of mindlessly snacking to pass the miles!  Our plan is to stop and buy fruits & veggies for snacking.  I have a feeling that I'm going to be consuming a LOT of carrots on this trip...... :)
I seem to be pretty much out of my "funk" and am really looking forward to my walk in the morning!  I've been doing a lot of visualization lately and it's been an incredible help!  When I hit a tough stretch of road I just imagine myself running and it's amazing the burst of energy & motivation it give me!
Tomorrow and Saturday will probably be my last outside walks for now since when I return it will most likely still be dark at 5 am.  So it'll be a move to the treadmill.  Not my favorite BUT I am excited to be starting the C25K program!

"You must see your goals cleary and specifically before you can set out for them.  Hold them in your mind until they become second nature" - Les Brown
"See things as you would have them be instead of as they are" - Robert Collier
"Make sure you visualize what you really want, and not what someone else wants for you" - Jerry Gillies
"We are what we think" - Buddha

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Starting Week 4: Don't Give Up

I woke up late today but still got up and went for my walk.  Missing one was bad enough and I knew I could make all the excuses in the world but I'd only feel miserable if I failed once again.  I was going to take a shorter route since I thought I'd be pressed for time but stuck to the longer route.  I didn't add any distance with this beginning of Week 4.  I didn't feel quite ready for that yet.  I clocked the route I'm taking now and it's 2 1/2 miles.
There was nothing exciting on my walk today.  No deer or skunks but I did see one bunny off in the distance.  Very few people out this morning so I had a lot of time with my thoughts!
I was thinking about the hard work that comes before success.  On one hand I really didn't want to be out this morning, I would have rather stayed in bed for awhile.  On the other hand I was proud of myself for sticking to it and getting out there.  I realized that I've never worked hard enough before to realize any of my goals.  When the going gets hard, I'd give up.  I'd make up excuses and quit doing the things that would make my dreams a reality.

What hit me really hard this morning was that by quitting the steps that will lead me to success I was giving up on myself.  And by quitting I was saying that I wasn't worth it!  If I want to achieve my goal I have to work for it!  It's not going to come just because I want it.  I have to go out and WORK HARD for it!  It won't be all fun & games.  There will be times when I want to quit, when I want to give up.  But those are the times when I have to suck it up and push on.  So right now, my enthusiasm is lagging and in the past this is the time when I would just give up.  But not this time.  This time I pushed on.
When I was walking this morning I just kept telling myself to picture me running.  To imagine what it'll feel like.  Self-talk and visualization are what got me through today.  Very helpful tools that I'd never used in the past.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Ending & Beginning

What a terrible past few days!  I've failed myself and am not happy about it!  I know it's hormonal but that's really not an excuse.  I haven't worked out since my walk last Thursday.  And in turn it's effected my eating.  I've been stressing about a lot of different things and instead of dealing with it in a productive way I turned to food.  Which in turn makes me feel worse.
It's been a "dark" few days.  Those with depression would understand.  It's frustrating when you have these feelings that you know are beyond your control and there's nothing you can do about it.  I want to "snap out of it" but I just can't!  I know it will eventually pass but that doesn't make it any less frustrating in the moment!
My cousin and I did go and get pedicures on Saturday.  It was my very first one!  My feet are so ticklish that I wasn't sure if I could handle it!  :)  It was fun and did seem to lift the clouds for a little while!

Today I'm feeling like it's finally lifting so that's good.  I'm actually starting to look forward to my walk tomorrow which is a feeling I'm very glad to be having!
Tomorrow will be the beginning of Week 4.  So here's to ending a bad stretch and a new beginning!  I have one more week until I leave for vacation.  Then when I come back I can finally start my "official" C25K training!  Very excited about that!
I was looking for a picture to represent a new beginning and this one just made me happy!  How am I going to color my world?  It can be dark and gray or it can be bursting with color.  The choice it mine!
I don't want to lose my momentum on vacation so I told my cousin that we ARE GOING TO BE ACTIVE!  We are not only going to find things to see, we are going to find things to DO!  She's been running every day and says she plans to keep doing it on vacation so we're on the same page ~ thank goodness! 
Here's to not giving up.....
....because I'M WORTH IT!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Oh Deer...

I was feeling better this morning.  I think my mood and general funk these past few days are hormonal!  Oh the joys of being a woman!
I still struggle between waking up and actually getting up.  And it baffles me because as I lay there I think about how great I feel when I'm walking and pushing myself!  And yet something still tries to hold me back.  I've never regretted getting up and moving.  I know that I feel an incredible rush when I get up and move.  So why oh why do I struggle so?
I seem to have gotten shin splits.  I haven't have any pain before today.  So I'll ice them and see what happens come Saturday.  I can't let this de-rail me but I also don't want to make anything worse.
It was quiet, quiet, quiet this morning.  Felt like I had the world to myself!  I did run into these two though:
Not sure who was more startled when I came around the corner and saw them!  It's kind of hard to tell in the picture how close they are but they were RIGHT THERE!
Lots of rabbits out today but they don't let me get close enough to take a picture before they scamper off into the underbrush.
I don't really have another topic to talk about today!  I'll be here tomorrow after my 10-Minute Trainer workout!